Join Us for the Most Powerful Meditation of the Year

WE GO LIVE MAY 23rd at 7:00am PST / 10am EST


LIVE Wesak Full Moon Meditation

You'll be immersed in the blissful experience of an ancient meditation.

Led by Sheevaun Moran, Founder of Energy Mastery® School.

Sheevaun has led over one hundred thousand people through meditation life and through her audios. She was one of the first to teach meditation to the Boeing, Hyundai, US Air Force, Transit Authority, several colleges and many other notable organizations.

For this unique meditation event, she combines all of her experiences  and is blending her unique style of helping people to prosper before and after the meditation.

The last time Sheevaun shared this technology she had over 100 people meditate with her in her home and uncovered that each of the attendees manifestations all came into existence. Her gifts at leading profound change and helping thousands of people to heal and transform their lives through the Energy Mastery® System.

Join Sheevaun to experience this Sacred Art.


YES! I Want Access!

"I discovered this morning the energies from yesterday's meditation is still moving through me... and was given the opportunity to see how my intention manifested within hours that I got to actually experience... Thank YOU everyone at Energy Mastery® and this tribe that had any fingerprint on the Wesak Meditation... Huge gratitude" 

- Robin

LIVE Wesak Full Moon Meditation

You'll be immersed in the blissful experience of an ancient meditation.

Led by Sheevaun Moran, Founder of Energy Mastery® School.

Sheevaun has led over one hundred thousand people through meditation life and through her audios. She was one of the first to teach meditation to the Boeing, Hyundai, US Air Force, Transit Authority, several colleges and many other notable organizations.

For this unique meditation event, she combines all of her experiences  and is blending her unique style of helping people to prosper before and after the meditation.

The last time Sheevaun shared this technology she had over 100 people meditate with her in her home and uncovered that each of the attendees manifestations all came into existence. Her gifts at leading profound change and helping thousands of people to heal and transform their lives through the Energy Mastery® System are all .

Join Sheevaun to experience the Sacred art of Sound Healing.



The ancient art of meditation and deep brain manifesting is scientifically proven to release stress, tension, and shift negative emotions in a very short period of time. 


As your body and mind release into a deep state of quietude, your body's natural healing ability will restore your energy and vitality. Like getting a full night's sleep in an hour. 

Receive and Achieve

Many participants have reported profound insights and clarity as a result of this guided process. Allowing them to move forward in their lives more clear, peaceful, and whole. 

  • Energy Mastery®

    “The April meditation was profound. I actually didn't have time to sit and do the actual meditation but had it on in the background. What happened for me next was clarity, peace and so much productivity with ease.”

  • Energy Mastery®

    “It's pure bliss every single time.”

  • Energy Mastery®

    “I always feel restored and reset and there are no other meditations that I enjoy more. The energy, the space...all incredible and it's as if it's a magical journey unique to each and every person. ”

Event Details

When: May 23rd, 2024, 7:00am PST / 10:00am EST
Meditation begins at 11:30am PST. Please arrive a few minutes early to check in and make sure you're all settled. 

Where: ONLINE access and the details will be provided upon registration

What do I need? 
Phone to listen, Blankets, meditation cushion, yoga mat, safe and quiet place...

Also, comfy clothes. As nice as your sleek new jeans are, you don't need to feel all constricted. But hey, you do you...